by Abhishek Nag | Feb 28, 2022 | Data Engineering, Product Engineering, Technologies
There are enough statistics and research to show that global cloud adoption is on the rise. Whether it is this report from Statista or even this one from techjury, they all talk about the increased role of cloud in businesses around the world. With the ever-upwards...
by Corporate | Jan 10, 2022 | Data Engineering, Product Engineering, Technologies
With the turn of the century, the total volume of data and the speed at which it has been rising, show a consistent upward trend. In such a case, it becomes imperatively essential for organizations to efficiently tackle big data and its associated issues. One thing...
by Corporate | Dec 13, 2021 | Data Engineering, Devops, Product Engineering, Technologies
Data warehousing is a process through which you can collect and manage your data from multiple sources. The data collected can serve as a source to capture meaningful business insights. The data management system of data warehousing is designed in such a way that it...
by Corporate | Mar 15, 2021 | Data Engineering, Technologies
ETL is Extract, Transform and Load. It is basically a process that ‘extracts’ the data from numerous sources, then ‘transforms’ them by applying calculations, concatenations etc. and lastly ‘loads’ the data into Data Warehouse system. It may seem to you like a simple...
by Abhishek Nag | Mar 1, 2021 | Data Engineering, Technologies
Introduction Today, we are surrounded by data everywhere. Data has become easily accessible. So, the challenge that arises out of it is how to make the most of the available data! The first step towards using such vast amounts of data is finding the right data...
by Abhishek Nag | Jan 18, 2021 | App Development, Data Engineering, Product Engineering, Technologies
Introduction All product companies globally are moving towards digitization. The fundamental purpose for product companies to move into digital is to deliver innovative, customer focused solutions to meet the end business purpose. In order to be globally competitive,...